Yujing Lin

Nice to meet you, I am a Ph.D. student in Genetics Research at the Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Center (SGDP) at King's College London. I have also earned my MSc degree at King's in Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology. My research focuses on investigating how phenotypes and genotypes interact with the environment to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the role of nature and nurture in contributing to individual differences.

Prior to pursuing my postgraduate studies, I held diverse roles as an assistant producer, reporter, and blogger. Through these experiences, I gained a keen appreciation for the struggles, joys, hardships, vitality, and potential of various communities. This insight drives my research and motivates me to consider how I can best apply my findings to positively impact society.

In my work, I strive to remain mindful of the individuals and communities that I aim to serve. I believe that by conducting behavioural genetic research with a keen awareness of its real-world implications, I can better contribute to creating positive outcomes for all.

MSc Dissertation Poster

The Impact of Pregnancy on Female Mental Health and Risk-Taking Behaviors

【Academic Paper】Preparing to submission for conference
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